Productivity and working like a workaholic

Home working has many implications. Fears around a reduction in productivity and homeworking – i.e ‘slacking off’ have not been realised.  In fact are there different implications around productivity and working like a workaholic?

Consequently, amidst a pandemic that looks like it’s here for quite a while, , leaders are less concerned about people returning to offices for work. Quite a few, like Avid are not planning to lease the large buildings they once occupied. We posit this question. Are workers in fact now going to be doing more hours – working like a workaholic? Because the office is at the top of their houses, or their living rooms are now livingoffices?

Both presenteeism and leavism has been cited in the March 2020 CIPD health and wellbeing report as significant  in organisations. (73%) of respondents report they have observed some form of ‘leaveism’ over the past 12 months, such as using holiday entitlement when unwell. Watch this space. With job insecurity; home working; anxiety and pressure at work we predict leaveism will rise in subsequent CIPD reports.  What we have to do is resolve the root causes of both presenteeism and leaveism so that productivity and revenues grow. Why?

Both presenteeism and leaveism pose significant problems for productivity in organisations. An OECD report in 2016 found that UK workers productivity lags behind that of G7 counterparts. It is probably one of the most concerning trends that the UK faces. A number of factors are at play – not least an insufficiently skilled workforce cites a financial times article in 2018.  Engagement is also a factor.

Yet working more definitely does not mean working well. In fact all too often leaveism leads to more sick leave absence and indeed chronic illnesses in the long term. Leading to both human and a reduction in productivity and the inevitable financial losses

What can you do? Get support to get your performance levels up through true leadership. Boundless studies show that people will rise to challenges when they are working in a team that is psychologicaly safe,  where they can depend on each other to get things done and get them done on time; where there is structure and clarity; where there is meaning in their work so purpose and mastery  matter.

People need to have impact. All this is achievable in even large organisations you, as team leader, can reset your team with  strong goals; processes and people in the right place doing the right things with the right learning and development plans in place.