Psychological Safety Assessment

Psychological Safety Learning Needs Questionnaire
Psychological safety occurs when individuals feel safe to speak up.

This questionnaire will help you, as a leader of a team, explore the likelihood of your having high levels of psychological safety on your team(s). This initial free assessment is from your perspective as leader or team manager.

When considering the statements below, think about how the statement applies to you in your leadership/manager role. Use the scale below to indicate how much each statement applies to you. Be sure to evaluate the statements honestly and without over-thinking your answers.
When you share your email you agree to your information being used for our anonymous research and for receiving a bespoke psychological safety summary report specific to you. You agree to being sent occasional updates and thought leadership from resetyourorg. You may unsubscribe at any time.
My team’s behaviour
(The level of engagement that you perceive to be in place within your team; what you, as a manager, thinks is going on)
1. I receive views, ideas and opinions from all members of my team. *
2. In my team there are clearly dominant voices. *
3. All people on my team challenge each others’ ideas, views or opinions. *
My behaviour
(Exploring how I might appear - my workload and how it may impact those around me)
4. My role is exceptionally busy and I tend to multitask during meetings. *
5. I ask for the views, ideas and opinions of all members of my team. *
6. When I ask questions of members of the team I know how certain people will respond. *
How I include my team
(Exploring inclusion and how I value members of my team)
7. I praise, acknowledge, recognise the value and contribution of all team members. *
8. When people make a mistake I treat them in the same way, disregarding their circumstances. *
9. To denote status I use the terms like “subordinate”; “junior”; and “superior” *
10. When people fail to perform I hold them to account in a fair and consistent way. *
Culture & Context
(The context I operate in, the norms and values of the organisation)
11. In my organisation, when under pressure it is normal to focus on outcomes over the individual. *
12. When people make a mistake in my organisation it is common to find out who is to blame. *
Thank you for completing the psychological safety assessment questionnaire. At resetyourorg we believe in the personal touch. Our results go beyond what AI generates because we take the time to personally and professionally consider your responses and send you a summary report.
We know that you know people don’t easily fit into a box. This is the start of your journey in understanding behaviours when we look at them through a psychological safety lens.
We suggest that you look at your results objectively even if they trigger an emotional response. Only you will know what is so within the team.