Re-engaging your people

Communicate online with purpose and power. It has never been as important as it is now. The Coronavirus has created great uncertainty and profound anxiety for many workers. Real engagement declines in these circumstances particularly when staff are isolated at home, even though gratitude for simply having a job, disguises this. What can you do as a manager and leader? What you can do is communicate. Communicate online with purpose and power. Communicate to connect with your people in a way that keeps them engaged and positive throughout these difficult times.

No matter what the future holds for them, how you respond right now really matters.  Behavourial science points to an increased need for authentic listening, communicating powerfully to help your team make sense out of what has happened at this time. Also many anticipate that on-line communication is here with us to stay, that the pandemic has accelerated this trend rather than caused it.  Leaders and managers can quickly adapt with our on-line communications training, designed so that you can engage people on-line now and for the future. 

Our programme, divided into 4 micro-session training with wrap-around learning services – coaching and action learning groups have been carefully designed to fully support you to re-engage your people.

What managers want:

  • “Can people stop whining on about what can’t be changed.”
  • “I want to discuss it but how can I bring this up at this time on line?”
  • “Why don’t people say anything when I ask for views?”
  • “I want people to care about what is going on.”
  • “I want our team to be as engaged as they were pre-covid”

Workshop learning outcomes

As a result of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Take your inter-personal skills to a new level of leadership
  • Communicate with purpose and power to your people on-line, co-creating future solutions
  • Get how to have those difficult conversations through experiential learning
  • Have powerful meetings that create a new sense of belonging and openness
  • Fully include and engage your entire team
Listening man on laptop