Category: Living

Fraying at the edges?

How you know and what to do when you are fraying at the edges. So my awesome resetyourorg partner said “you should write a blog on that” and I said “#&*£ no!  Please not another thing to add to my to do list!”.  Well that was a sign…

If you’re usually energizing. If you’re usually full of life. If you’re usually able to see straight through to the wood, disregarding the trees and you help others do that. If you are fraying at the edges right now, like many leaders, you may be suffering from pandemic fatigue.

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Productivity and working like a workaholic

Home working has many implications. Fears around a reduction in productivity and homeworking – i.e ‘slacking off’ have not been realised.  In fact are there different implications around productivity and working like a workaholic?

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Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you just about everywhere.

Albert Einstein
Talent Development and inclusion picture

Psychological safety and why it matters.

Psychological safety and why it matters – Reset Your Org. Psychological safety is Google’s secret ingredient in their top performing teams. Not that teams can be cooked up like a gourmet dish.

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